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Maracanã campus (headquarter) presentation

Publicado: Quinta, 25 de Janeiro de 2018, 03h41 | Última atualização em Terça, 06 de Março de 2018, 16h22 | Acessos: 4615

Maracanã campus (headquarter) gathers Cefet/RJ historical trajectory, which has began in 1917, as the Arts and Crafts Normal School of the Federal District (EAO – Wenceslau Braz), later called National Technical School (ETN). In 1942, the institution became a reference in the federal network of industrial education, and, in 1978, saw its transformation from Federal Technical School (ETF) to Federal Center for Technological Education (Cefet).

From 1978 onwards, the Federal Center for Technological Education - Celso Suckow da Fonseca (Cefet/RJ) has achieved higher education institution status, acting as a special regime autarchy under the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), dealing with extension activities and research in the technological area.

Expanded academically and geographically, Maracanã campus nowadays offers basic, professional, undergraduate and graduate courses, assuming the institutional mission of promoting education through teaching, research and extension so as to provide, in a reflexive and critical way a humanistic, scientific and technological, ethical, political and social formation, integrating professionals capable of contributing to the cultural, technological and economic development of society.

On Maracanã campus, Cefet/RJ’s main administration is located: Board of Directors, Board of Teaching, Research and Extension, Information Technology headquarters and Cefet/RJ executive body. In 34,382m2, Maracanã campus has 64,818m2 of constructed area, subdivided into two neighbor campi, 11 blocks and six pavilions.

In addition, Maracanã campus facilities encompass 72 classrooms, 166 laboratories, nine auditoriums, a major library with two video libraries, a sports complex with courts, gymnasium, swimming pool and athletics track. Besides the rooms for technical and administrative activities, Cefet/Rj provides different services for the internal community (restaurant, canteen, barber shop, stationery store, bank branches) in its open area, listed by Brazilian Historical Patrimony and for representative entities of the community different segments. Finally, Cefet/RJ community may access the didactic resources center (IT kiosk), reprography center and medical-dental care unit.

Maracanã campus is supported by 442 professors (60.63% of them holding Master or Doctorate degree) and 326 technical-administrative staff.

Maracanã campus offers:

Technical courses

Business Management and Administration; Building; Electronics; Electrical Technology; Civil Engineering Technology; Computer Science; Mechanics; Meteorology; Labor safety; Telecommunications and Tourism.


Subsequent courses

Business, Building, Electronics, Electrical Technology, Computer Science, Mechanics, Labor safety and Telecommunications.


Undergraduate courses

Business; Computer Science; Civil Engineering; Control and Automation Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Electronic Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; Production Engineering; Telecomunications Engineering; Environmental Management; Foreign Languages ​​Applied to International Negotiations and Internet Systems.


Certificate programs/ continuing education (lato sensu)

Additional Language Teaching; Ethnic-Racial Relations and Education; Education, technology and their relations


Computer Science; Mechanical Engineering and Materials Technology; Electrical Engineering; Science, Technology and Education; Ethnic-racial Relations; Philosophy and Teaching; Production and Systems Engineering



Science, Technology and Education; Instrumentation and Applied Optics; Production and Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering and Materials Technology.

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